Sacred Art Experiences
What is a sacred Art experience? Though similar in some ways to a regular art workshop or class where techniques are taught, the sacred art experience goes deeper. It nurtures, challenges, and uplifts the creative spirit in a safe and loving environment. All are welcome. Confident and timid artists find a supportive platform to come out to play.
I have been fortunate to design and lead sacred art journeys in the US and France for over 10 years. As every journey is unique, every art experience is custom tailored to enhance the group experience.
Wind Bells
This glass Japanese wind bell (or furin) is about 3 inches in diameter and including its wind sail, measures 16 inches in total length. A glass tubular striker creates the hallmark tinkling sound.
Traditionally, the wind bell’s sail is infused with a prayer or intention. Then, as the breeze catches the sail and the bell rings, the prayer is cast upon the ether.
The wind bell project was created for a women’s conference in Denver, Colorado. 200 bells were hand painted in The Bungalow so the attendees could create and attach a personal sail, infused with their intention.
The participants ran the gamut from artistically timid to completely confident and each created a beautiful, unique and heart stirring prayer bell. Facilitating this activity from concept to conference was a high point when 200 women rang their bells for a full 60 seconds in support of women around the world.